7 Reasons to Register: 2019 Technology Showcase

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Whether you are a prospective investor, an established company, an entrepreneur, a scientific collaborator, a technology transfer manager, or an interested stakeholder looking to commercialize technologies —- you have good reason to register for the 2019 National Cancer Institute and Frederick National Laboratory Technology Showcase.

Actually, our hosts shared 7 good reasons for you to be there:

  1. Learn about exciting National Cancer Institute and Frederick National Laboratory technologies available for licensing and/or partnering

  2. Learn how you can be a part of translating NCI and FNL discoveries into clinical solutions that benefit partners

  3. Learn how to collaborate with the NCI and the FNL — and how partnering with them can benefit your pipeline and bottom-line

  4. Hear from experts about non-dilutive funding sources for commercializing technology and making your company attractive to equity investors

  5. Learn about leveraging incubators and accelerators

  6. Hear from keynote speaker, Rich Bendis, CEO of Bio Health Innovation

  7. Network — during and after the event

And — our bonus 8th reason — it’s free! Register now here.

June 12, 2019

11:30 am Registration; Event time: noon to 5:15 pm

8560 Progress Drive, Frederick Maryland 21702